I had made a resolution to myself from the date I actually started celebrating my birthday : Cake or no cake, every year I would celebrate and enjoy this day whatever may be the circumstances and however old I may be. I will pull myself out of my bed that day and acknowledge every happiness I have been bestowed with. My close ones can vouch for this.
I learnt a lot this year, some beautiful life lessons.
- Life is not always a bed of roses. We all have our own share of ups and downs. The important point here is how you approach it.
- Do not judge people. They may be having their own troubles and asking them the same stupid questions only makes it harder for them.
- Do not fall into the "log kya kahenge" (what will society say") trap. Enjoy your days because they anyways do not have anything else in their extremely boring low life. Stay away from people who spread negativity.
- It is perfectly okay to be human and feel emotions. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Cry if you want to, feel happy at your own time.
- Life is not a race and it is completely okay if your wishes/goals/dreams do not match your planned timelines. Universe has its own plans , just keep up the hard work and efforts will bear fruits.
- The only thing standing between you and your goal is your will power. Running away from your obstacles will not make them disappear.
- Be grateful for all the good things you have. There are people around you in far worse situations. Reinspire yourself !
That's all folks. Here's to another year older with people who have always been there for me and never let me down!! Thank you for putting a smile to my lips every single day. Also, some shots of my lockdown birthday 😎
Love for Mangoes
My Nani's Kheer(rice pudding)
Doi Kaatla(Fish made with curd)-My favourite
Clicking photos to remember this day
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